Tooth Extractions

Extractions of Teeth:  The Board Certified Oral Surgeon Advantage

We have heard all the stories:

"The dentist had to climb on top of me to pull my tooth" 

"My dentist told me I'm very hard to get numb"

"I'm allergic to epinephrine"

"It took 2 hours to take out my tooth"

"I got TMJ from the extraction procedure" 

"I can't have an implant immediately after extraction of my tooth"

What you can expect with Dr. Jacks:

  • The average time for a single tooth extraction (after numbing) by Dr. Jacks is less than FIVE minutes.
  • The average number of dental shots (local anesthesia) by Dr. Jacks to achieve profound numbness is TWO.
  • A "reaction" to epinephrine only occurs when a dentist injects into a blood vessel.  Dr. Jacks uses a specialized syringe to prevent this from happening.
  • 85% of all extracted teeth are eligible for an immediate dental implant (same appointment).
  • Dr. Jacks has never "climbed" on any patient.......

 Dr. Jacks will discuss the specifics of your case: 

  1. Review your health history.
  2. Perform a clinical exam and review any necessary x-rays.
  3. Discuss the appropriate level of anesthesia ( local numbing shots, nitrous oxide, or IV sedation).
  4. Pre-op and Post-op details.
  5. Scheduling and fees.