Immediate Implants

Replacing Teeth with Implants:  Why an Experienced Oral Surgeon Matters

To date, Dr. Jacks has successfully placed over 5000 dental implants.  As a Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgeon, he has placed zygomatic, pterygoid, auricular (ear) and orbital (eye) implants as well.  Dr. Jacks uses the most advanced diagnostic technology for treatment planning and surgery.


As a Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Dr. Jacks is uniquely qualified in the extraction of teeth with immediate placement of dental implants.  Thus, patients who would typically wait between 8-12 months for a completed restoration (implant and crown) only wait 4-6 months.


1) Consultation
Dr. Jacks will conduct a medical and dental health review, examine the area of concern, obtain and review necessary x-rays, formulate a dental implant treatment plan, and present all costs.  Per the patient's preference and health fitness, sedation, nitrous oxide or awake with local anesthesia will be discussed and planned accordingly.  

2) Surgery
The tooth/root is removed, the socket (bone) is prepared via a series of graduated drills, and the implant is surgically positioned.  Usually, there is additional space between the implant and the surrounding wall of bone (socket) in which a bone graft is placed.  


3) Implant Healing
Patients will return for a follow-up examination 7-10 days after their surgery.  Two months after surgery, an additional x-ray will be taken to review the health of the implant-bone interface.  For mandibular implants (lower jaw) at "torque test" will be performed four months after surgery to determine final health or integration of the implant to the bone.  For maxillary implants (upper jaw) this test is performed at six months after surgical placement of the implant.